Le sas, science-art-society group - Manifesto


Le sas rebuilds a strong idea of art inspired by science for the society through research, production, experience and diffusion of art-science cybernetic installations.

Le sas

Le sas is a science-art-society group ready for research, design, making and diffusion of artistic and scientific artworks. It's a connecting zone (a 'sas', in french) between science and art, between research and society, between imagination and its realization. Its located:

Le sas aims at:

Le sas centers on:

Le sas is a place for research and share between artists and scientists open to everyone. Through the diffusion of its actions outside the university, Le sas is also a art and science nomade structure that goes to meet people in the society.

Cybernetics, digital art and art-science

Cybernetics is the transdisciplinary science of autosteered mechanisms and control. It brings a scientific framework to the study of complex systems, in particular to the study of the interaction between its different elements and its effects at the scale of those elements and of the system itself.

Digital art points to every kind of art that uses the result of a computer calculation and the specificities of numerical languages. This specificity makes possible the real-time analysis of information flows coming from sensors (video, sound, ...), making possible the realization of an interactive artwork, unique at every time and for every viewer, this one beeing not just a simple observer but a part of the artwork itself.

Art-science is the result of the collaboration between scientists and artists, as creators and reserachers motivated by an overflowing curiosity. The artwork can become the medium for the presentation of scientific results, making their sharing different and enabling scientific mediation. As well, the artwork can play the role of a scientific tool, in the perspective of a study in behavioural sciences or in human-machine interaction, with the use of an interactive artwork that forms, with the observer, a complex system.
